Partnership insights
Collaborating, innovating, and finding new ways together to improve outcomes
Much more can be achieved when all players in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries work together, in a truly collaborative way. At ICON, this means working in a way that goes beyond a traditional CRO. It means being a trusted partner.
Exploring partnership culture and its impact on outsourcing and operational strategy
Partnership culture within the clinical research industry has often been overlooked as a component of a successful outsourcing strategy. However, culture can support, inform, and maintain strategies and operational decision-making.
Webinar: Exploring partnership culture and its impact on outsourcing and operational strategy
In this webinar, Sanofi and ICON discuss how they created a shared partnership/alliance culture, which has evolved both the outsourcing strategy and operating model. Attendees will learn about the specific tools and methods used to develop and support the Sanofi / ICON partnership, including:
- Adaptation of the 9 Box Grid to assess cultural alignment and outsourcing and operational strategy, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for development
- An “ABCs of Culture” framework, designed to build cross-organisational cultural alignment.
The evolving relationship between sponsors and CROs
In this Q&A and accompanying podcast, Jeff James provides his perspectives on how CROs have matured to become true partners that offer expansive clinical trial and drug development services, and he spotlights ICON’s approach towards collaboration.
Sponsor and CRO pharmacovigilance and safety alliances
This whitepaper outlines the best practices and model options for ensuring success when outsourcing pharmacovigilance and patient safety services.
Rare disease registries: practical ways to build trust and collaboration with patient advocacy groups
With the right planning and understanding, collaboration between drug development companies and patient advocacy groups (PAGs) can be mutually beneficial in a number of key areas.
Engaging physicians to support and increase clinical research activity
More and more healthcare institutions are looking to increase their research portfolio however engagement of busy physicians is always a challenge.
Harmonising outsourcing to keep clinical trials on track
In this article in Applied Clinical Trials, Debbie Gilmore, Vice President, Strategic Alliance Management outlines how strategic partnerships and partnership-driven approaches to outsourcing can be used to navigate an increasingly complex clinical research landscape.
The evolving relationship between sponsors and contract research organisations
Gain insights on what it takes to be a trusted partner to sponsors in the clinical development industry.
Exploring the benefits of biotech partnerships
From patient-centricity to venture capital networks.
The importance of partnering for bioanalytical studies
Bioanalytical studies are an important aspect of biologic drug development that may necessitate partnering with bioanalysis experts.
The power of partnerships
Collaborating with patient advocacy organisations for better clinical research
LEO Pharma enters clinical trial partnership with ICON
LEO Pharma annoucvces strategic partnership with ICON, saying the deal will enable it to scale up its clinical trial operations in a way that is both patient-centric and cost-effective, while also supporting its ambition to create one of the ‘most effective and efficient clinical portfolio execution organisations in the industry’.
Convergent development is key to remaining competitive in the evolving healthcare landscape
For years, pharmaceutical and medical device development have occurred in silos.
Defining key performance indicators and governance
A hallmark of high-performing partnerships is the establishment and maintenance of a governance model that aligns the interests of the sponsor and the CRO.
Redefining CRO sourcing model terminology to optimise outsourcing strategies
ICON is currently engaging with the Tufts CSDD - with input and in collaboration with ICON’s biopharmaceutical company Partners of Choice (PoC) - and invites input into a proposed new taxonomy and framework to redefine CRO sourcing model terminology.
Global outsourcing strategies
As the market for outsourcing continues to grow, so too have the types of outsourcing models available to sponsors.
Risk, vigilance, and remediation under IVDR
The In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) will have a lasting impact on the entire in vitro diagnostics (IVD) lifecycle, from development through clinical investigations and regulatory approval.
Data disruption: Navigating cardiovascular clinical trial adjudication during a respiratory pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted clinical trials across all indications. For trials that persevered, COVID-19 impacted patient enrollment, participation, and data collection.
Key considerations for achieving digital trial success
An end-to-end solution is required to run a successful digital trial.