Therapeutic spotlight: Precision medicine considerations in rare diseases

Precision medicines are evolving rapidly with impactful application in rare disease clinical research, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), one of the most prominently positioned rare diseases. Successfully bringing cutting-edge precision medicines to market to meet unmet patient needs requires well-structured clinical strategies that transition therapies from discovery to the clinic. 

In our latest therapeutic spotlight, ICON’s experts explore the evolving therapeutic landscape of precision medicine with a special focus on the unique application in ALS. We outline key considerations for developing patient-centric, streamlined precision medicine programs that promote patient engagement, improve protocol adherence and reduce dropout rates – ultimately accelerating the delivery of meaningful therapies to patients.

What you will learn:

  • Critical front-end considerations for precision medicine development in rare diseases
  • The importance of early engagement for commercial success and enablement of patient access and post market approval
  • How patient-centric approaches reduce the burden on patients and improve trial outcomes
  • Key success factors for developing ALS therapies with greater impact

Explore how we are advancing the future of precision medicine for ALS patients.

Precision medicine considerations in rare diseases

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